The 150 Funniest Would You Rather Questions: Perfect For Games, Parties, And Icebreakers | Games4esl (2025)

Would you rather ask the same boring questions all the time or ask one of these funny Would You Rather Questions? Asking one of these questions is a fantastically fun way to break the ice and get to know people better.

Would You Rather Questions are simple hypothetical questions in which you are asked to choose the outcome you prefer. For example, “Would you rather eat nothing but ice cream or nothing but pizza for a year?

As you can see, these questions can be as funny and as silly as you want. This makes Would You Rather Questions perfect for party games, classroom games, and icebreaker activities. Below, you’ll find 150 of the funniest Would You Rather Questions, a PowerPoint presentation to show these questions in class or online, and a free printable worksheet.

150 Fun Would You Rather Questions

All these funny Would You Rather Questions are family-friendly and suitable for kids, teenagers, and adults.

  1. Would you rather eat nothing but ice cream or nothing but pizza for a year?
  2. Would you rather be able to fly or to be invisible?
  3. Would you rather be a great dancer or a great singer?
  4. Would you rather have a shark’s head and human body or a human head and a shark’s body?
  5. Would you rather eat only fruit or vegetables for the rest of your life?
  6. Would you rather be a cat or a dog?
  7. Would you rather have three eyes or three ears?
  8. Would you rather be able to shoot rainbows or fire from your eyes?
  9. Would you rather be a maths genius or be a musical genius?
  10. Would you rather be fluent in every language or be able to talk with animals?
  11. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or survive in space?
  12. Would you rather meet a famous person or meet aliens?
  13. Would you rather smell like feet or smell like eggs?
  14. Would you rather be able to run on your hands or write with your feet?
  15. Would you rather be in a computer game or in a movie?
  16. Would you rather have really hairy hands or really hairy feet?
  17. Would you rather have a horse’s head and a human body, or a horse’s body and human head?
  18. Would you rather live under the sea or in space?
  19. Would you have one giant hand or one giant foot?
  20. Would you rather eat cat food or dog food?
  21. Would you rather be a spider for a day or be an ant for a day?
  22. Would you rather have sticky hands or sticky feet?
  23. Would you rather have a robot that does your homework or a robot that cleans your room?
  24. Would you rather have a clown’s face or a clown’s big feet for the rest of your life?
  25. Would you rather have eyes in the back of your head or be able to taste with your fingers?
  26. Would you rather sleep for a whole year or not sleep at all for a year?
  27. Would you rather be able to see through walls or be able to hear things far away?
  28. Would you rather watch only TV for a whole month or listen to only music for a whole month?
  29. Would you rather be super strong or super fast?
  30. Would you rather have three heads or three legs?
  31. Would you rather have a talking pet or a pet that can do magic tricks?
  32. Would you rather eat chocolate-flavored broccoli or broccoli-flavored chocolate?
  33. Would you rather have a never-ending supply of pizza or never-ending tacos?
  34. Would you rather have the ability to control the weather or control time?
  35. Would you rather have a tail like a monkey or ears like a bunny?
  36. Would you rather be a professional video game player or a professional candy taster?
  37. Would you rather have to wear clown shoes everywhere you go or a giant sombrero?
  38. Would you rather be able to teleport to any place instantly or read minds?
  39. Would you rather have a talking toilet or a talking fridge?
  40. Would you rather be able to communicate with plants or with inanimate objects?
  41. Would you rather have a pet dragon or a pet unicorn?
  42. Would you rather be able to change the color of your hair with your thoughts or change the color of your skin like a chameleon?
  43. Would you rather be a famous author or a famous actor/actress?
  44. Would you rather always have to hop like a kangaroo or crawl like a turtle?
  45. Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
  46. Would you rather have a bottomless backpack or a bottomless wallet?
  47. Would you rather have an endless supply of your favorite snack or an endless supply of your favorite drink?
  48. Would you rather be able to speak to inanimate objects or control the minds of insects?
  49. Would you rather have a flying carpet or a personal spaceship?
  50. Would you rather have a magical wardrobe that leads to different worlds or a magical mirror that shows your future?
  51. Would you rather have a talking plant as a best friend or a talking animal?
  52. Would you rather have a super-sensitive sense of smell or super-sensitive taste buds?
  53. Would you rather live in a treehouse or an underground bunker?
  54. Would you rather have the ability to make any food taste like your favorite food or have the ability to make any drink taste like your favorite drink?
  55. Would you rather always have to wear a cape or a crown?
  56. Would you rather have a pet penguin or a pet panda?
  57. Would you rather be able to control the size of objects with your mind or the temperature of objects with your touch?
  58. Would you rather have a personal chef or a personal chauffeur?
  59. Would you rather be able to speak and understand every language but only be able to communicate through interpretive dance or have the ability to read minds but never be able to keep a secret?
  60. Would you rather have a magic pen that brings your drawings to life or a magic camera that captures memories and lets you relive them?
  61. Would you rather have a talking backpack that gives advice or a talking hat that tells jokes?
  62. Would you rather only be able to eat spaghetti with your feet or pizza with your hands tied behind your back?
  63. Would you rather be able to understand and communicate with insects or have the ability to mimic any animal sound perfectly?
  64. Would you rather have a magical ability to make objects levitate or turn invisible but only when you’re singing a song?
  65. Would you rather have a personal robot butler or a personal genie who grants you three wishes?
  66. Would you rather have a permanent hula hoop around your waist or a permanent yo-yo attached to your wrist?
  67. Would you rather have the power to make plants grow instantly or turn any object into a delicious dessert?
  68. Would you rather always have to wear a full astronaut suit or a medieval knight’s armor?
  69. Would you rather have a pet dragonfly or a pet fire-breathing snail?
  70. Would you rather be able to transform into any animal at will or have the ability to speak and understand any language when you touch an object?
  71. Would you rather have a pet talking parrot with a sarcastic sense of humor or a pet talking squirrel who loves to gossip?
  72. Would you rather be able to juggle anything effortlessly or balance on any surface without falling?
  73. Would you rather have the power to instantly clean anything or the power to fix anything with a single touch?
  74. Would you rather be followed by a cloud that rains confetti or a cloud that plays your favorite music?
  75. Would you rather always have a trail of bubbles follow you wherever you go or a trail of butterflies?
  76. Would you rather have a magical pencil that can draw objects into existence or a magical eraser that can make things disappear permanently?
  77. Would you rather have the ability to control the volume of your sneezes or the color of your sneeze clouds?
  78. Would you rather be able to ride on the back of a giant friendly snail or a friendly flying squirrel?
  79. Would you rather have a personal theme song that plays whenever you enter a room or the ability to make people spontaneously break into dance when you snap your fingers?
  80. Would you rather have a closet that always has the perfect outfit for any occasion or a garage that always has the perfect vehicle for any adventure?
  81. Would you rather have a talking refrigerator that offers food suggestions or a talking microwave that tells jokes while heating your food?
  82. Would you rather only be able to eat foods that are extremely spicy or foods that are incredibly sour for the rest of your life?
  83. Would you rather have a magical remote control that can pause and rewind real-life moments or a magical pen that can draw doorways to other places?
  84. Would you rather be able to instantly learn any musical instrument or instantly master any sport?
  85. Would you rather have a personal time-traveling assistant or a personal teleportation device?
  86. Would you rather have a pet penguin that can sing or a pet flamingo that can dance?
  87. Would you rather always have to wear socks on your hands or mittens on your feet?
  88. Would you rather have a pocket-sized dragon or a pocket-sized elephant as your constant companion?
  89. Would you rather be able to make objects grow in size or shrink down to fit in your pocket?
  90. Would you rather have the ability to speak to and understand animals or the power to heal any sickness or injury?
  91. Would you rather be able to instantly change your hair color or your eye color at will?
  92. Would you rather have a personal chef who cooks only desserts or a personal stylist who dresses you in costumes every day?
  93. Would you rather have the ability to make inanimate objects come to life temporarily or have the power to control the weather for a day?
  94. Would you rather be followed by a trail of sparkling glitter or a trail of fireflies at night?
  95. Would you rather have a personal library filled with every book ever written or a personal art studio with every art supply imaginable?
  96. Would you rather have a magic mirror that shows you the most beautiful version of yourself or a magic crystal ball that predicts the future?
  97. Would you rather be able to talk to machines and understand their thoughts or be able to control traffic lights with your mind?
  98. Would you rather have a pet owl that delivers your mail or a pet squirrel that helps with your homework?
  99. Would you rather have a permanent crown made of flowers or a permanent halo above your head?
  100. Would you rather be able to turn invisible when you sneeze or fly when you hiccup?
  101. Would you rather have a backpack that always contains your favorite snacks or a backpack that produces any toy you desire?
  102. Would you rather have a personal cloud that provides shade and rainbows or a personal rainbow that follows you around on sunny days?
  103. Would you rather be able to understand and speak any animal language or communicate with ghosts?
  104. Would you rather have a magical ring that grants wishes or a magical necklace that grants good luck?
  105. Would you rather be able to transform into any plant or any animal at will?
  106. Would you rather always have to wear sunglasses that make everything look like a cartoon or wear shoes that make squeaky sounds with every step?
  107. Would you rather have a talking teddy bear that tells jokes or a talking pillow that gives you advice on life decisions?
  108. Would you rather have the ability to breathe underwater or the power to walk on clouds?
  109. Would you rather have a personal butler who can predict your every need or a personal DJ who plays your favorite songs wherever you go?
  110. Would you rather have a magic wand that can clean your room instantly or a magic broomstick that can fly you to any destination?
  111. Would you rather have the ability to change your voice into any celebrity’s voice or have a photographic memory?
  112. Would you rather always have to wear a cape made of bubble wrap or a hat made of rubber duckies?
  113. Would you rather be able to communicate with plants and help them grow faster or have the power to control the size of any object?
  114. Would you rather have a personal zoo filled with friendly, talking animals or a personal circus with acrobatic, talking clowns?
  115. Would you rather have a flying carpet that can take you anywhere in the world or a flying broomstick that can take you to magical realms?
  116. Would you rather be able to instantly learn any dance style or instantly become a master of disguise?
  117. Would you rather have a personal genie that grants you three wishes or a personal time-traveling device with unlimited trips to the past and future?
  118. Would you rather have a pocket-sized dragon that can breathe bubbles or a pocket-sized unicorn that can grant you one small wish a day?
  119. Would you rather have a pet hummingbird that can sing beautiful songs or a pet parrot that can tell hilarious jokes?
  120. Would you rather always have to wear shoes that make you moonwalk or gloves that make you breakdance?
  121. Would you rather have a talking umbrella that gives weather forecasts or a talking mirror that compliments your outfit every morning?
  122. Would you rather have the ability to make any object float in the air or make any object turn into chocolate?
  123. Would you rather have a pet monkey that can do your chores or a pet squirrel that can fetch your snacks from the kitchen?
  124. Would you rather have a personal chauffeur who drives a fancy limousine or a personal pilot who flies a private jet?
  125. Would you rather be able to change your hair color with a thought or change your clothes with a snap of your fingers?
  126. Would you rather always have a trail of sparkling stars behind you or a trail of colorful balloons?
  127. Would you rather have a magic pen that can draw objects that come to life or a magic paintbrush that can bring paintings to life?
  128. Would you rather have a pet owl that can write messages for you or a pet rabbit that can perform magic tricks?
  129. Would you rather have the ability to make plants grow into any shape or create sculptures out of thin air?
  130. Would you rather be able to communicate with animals through telepathy or have a magical ring that grants you the power of flight?
  131. Would you rather have a personal robot chef or a personal robot chauffeur?
  132. Would you rather be able to control the size of your favorite food or make it taste like anything you desire?
  133. Would you rather have a magical pen that can draw teleportation doors or a magical hat that produces endless snacks?
  134. Would you rather have a pet dolphin that can understand and speak your language or a pet monkey that can do your homework?
  135. Would you rather be able to change your hair color daily or have eyes that change color based on your emotions?
  136. Would you rather have a personal assistant who can predict the future or a personal trainer who can give you super strength?
  137. Would you rather have a flying umbrella that takes you on adventures or a talking mirror that offers wisdom and advice?
  138. Would you rather be able to control the minds of birds or make clouds form into any shape you desire?
  139. Would you rather have a pocket-sized giraffe or a pocket-sized tiger as a companion?
  140. Would you rather have a treehouse in the tallest tree in the world or a secret underground hideout?
  141. Would you rather be able to freeze time for everyone except yourself or rewind time by one minute whenever you want?
  142. Would you rather have a backpack that can carry anything without getting heavy or shoes that make you run as fast as the wind?
  143. Would you rather be followed by a trail of colorful balloons or a trail of friendly fireflies?
  144. Would you rather have a personal snowstorm that keeps you cool in hot weather or a personal sunbeam that warms you up in cold weather?
  145. Would you rather have a pet parrot that can sing any song perfectly or a pet turtle that can predict the weather?
  146. Would you rather be able to turn any object into candy or make any object play your favorite music?
  147. Would you rather always have to wear clothes that change colors randomly or clothes that glow in the dark?
  148. Would you rather have a talking plant that gives gardening tips or a talking fish that tells you ocean secrets?
  149. Would you rather have the ability to understand and speak any language fluently or instantly solve any puzzle or riddle?
  150. Would you rather have a magical tiara that grants you the power of telekinesis or a magical ring that lets you breathe underwater?

How To Play Would You Rather?

Would you rather questions can be used as fun ice breaker questions, or as a fun game to play in the classroom or while teaching online / teaching on zoom. To play, first, introduce the would you rather question and check if the kids understand the question. Once you’re sure students understand the question, tell them that they must choose one option and they cannot choose both.

Next, ask students to tell you their initial choice. This can be done by simply asking students to raise their hand in a classroom, or if teaching on zoom you could ask each student individually or ask them to type in their answer. Encourage students to answer using full sentences (for example, “I would rather eat only ice cream.”). Once students have told you their initial answer about what they would rather do, it’s time to ask students why they made that choice.

This is the fun part and a great opportunity to get kids talking and expressing themselves in English. The reasons kids give when answering funny would you rather questions are often hilarious and what makes the would you rather game so fun to play with young learners. Once all students have had a chance to explain why they chose what they did, ask them if anyone has changed their mind after hearing the reasons the other students gave.

Even though these would you rather questions are funny and silly, kids can still get upset if other students laugh or make fun of their answer. For this reason, before discussing their reasons, be sure to tell the kids that they must respect each other’s opinions and that no answer is a stupid answer.

To help you teach would you rather questions to kids, here are some free resources you can use. You can use the would you rather PPT below to present the questions to students. And you can use the worksheets below as a fun homework task or if you would simply like to ask students to write down their answers to the would you rather questions before discussing them in class.

The 150 Funniest Would You Rather Questions: Perfect For Games, Parties, And Icebreakers | Games4esl (1)

Would You Rather PowerPoint

Download PPT

The 150 Funniest Would You Rather Questions: Perfect For Games, Parties, And Icebreakers | Games4esl (2)

Would You Rather Worksheets

Download and print worksheets for these Would You Rather questions for kids for a fun writing activity or homework task.

Download Worksheet


Thanks for reading. I hope your students enjoy talking about these funny would you rather questions. Before you go, here are some related articles you may be interested in:
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The 150 Funniest Would You Rather Questions: Perfect For Games, Parties, And Icebreakers | Games4esl (2025)


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.